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ScienceDirect is a website operated by the Anglo-Dutch publisher Elsevier. It was launched in March 1997.It is a platform for access to nearly 2,500 academic journals and over 26,000 e-books. The journals are grouped into four main sections: Physical Sciences and Engineering, Life Sciences, Health Sciences, and Social Sciences and Humanities. For most articles abstracts are freely available; access to the full text (in PDF and, for newer publications, also HTML) generally requires a subscription or pay-per-view purchase. Elsevier is the foremost publisher of scientific, technical and medical information, producing one-quarter of all the scientific and technical content in the world. Today, ScienceDirect is currently receiving 15 million unique visitors per month reaching scientist in the physical science, life science, health and medical professionals at corporate, health, academic and governmental organizations.ScienceDirect serves twenty-four main communities and 240 niche communities, so you can target specific audiences of interest and minimize waste. In addition, you can also target at geographical levels; including country, state, city and within specific post code ranges.