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Master Thesis OPNET Projects

    Master Thesis OPNET Projects are established for students and research scholars. The goal of this service is prepare and develop quality projects using OPNET. OPNET is a network simulator which is extensively used in research oriented applications. During every project development, we provide support for various tools of OPNET (network model editor, antenna pattern editor, packet format editor, simulation tool, analysis configuration tool, OPNET animation viewer, and ICI editor). We prefer using OPNET simulator to evaluate protocols and algorithms for research based projects. In OPNET network simulation environment, actuators and sensors will be deployed according to realistic scenarios.

Our Research Interests include:

Supported Modules and Features of OPNET Modeler

  We observe the guidelines of customers to writing a thesis that are given by the university/supervisor. If you need more support for master thesis writing or more project development tips, contact our expert’s team at 24/7.

The Great Topics for Master Thesis OPNET Projects