Engineering Projects
Engineering Projects is the key source to develop the knowledge for academic students. We support following department engineering projects like computer science, information technology, networking, communication, electronics, image processing etc.
Engineering Projects are of various types and guidance is shed to all types. We clearly discuss about some types of Engineering Projects in this page. We support the under graduate and post graduate of the Engineering students for their academic projects.

Engineering projects
Projects are implemented in several Tools and Technologies. We support Engineering students to work in Different Tools and Different Technologies Image Processing, cloud computing, data mining, networking are the important engineering projects area.
Covert the ordinary image to digital format & adding some techniques to create the novel image is called as image processing. There are various categories in Image processing. In these categories, Cancer image and Tumor image are disease identification image processing methods that used in Medical image processing. All image processing categories we support by the help of following tools such as, MATLAB, SCILAB, IMAGEJ, OPENCV.
Large records can be access the through the internet and common servers is called Cloud Computing. There are various researches are going around the world in cloud computing. These are implemented by the tools such as Cloud Reports, JAVA, Cloud Analyst, Cloudsim.

Engineering projects 2015
Data mining
To extract the data from the huge database is called data mining. Natural language text used to calculate the text mining projects. Text mining methods to provide the solution for commercial business problems. We provide following networking tools for our students WEKA, WORDNET, JAVA, DOTNET.
Networking is defined as to communicate & data transfer to others. There are various types in networking sub divisions. Network security and Attacks are playing an important role in Networking. For designing security we use the tools mentioned below:
- QualNet
- NS3
- NS2
- Peer sim
- Information Security Culture Critical Success Factors
- Information security considerations for protecting NASA mission operations centers (MOCs)
- Evaluation of the adoption of an information systems security policy
- Quality Dimensions of the DeLone-McLean Model to Measure User Satisfaction: An Empirical Test on the Information Security Context
- Information security diagnosis in electronic banking (case study: Tejarat bank’s branches of Isfahan)
- Integrating VoIP/UC security into the holistic information security planning
- FAA Aircraft Systems Information Security Protection overview
- Conceptual Model of Online Pedagogical Information Security Laboratory: Toward an Ensemble Artifact
- Qualitative analysis of various information security frameworks and their newly proposed improvised versions for cloud platform
- Information security risk assessment and management method in computer networks
- The Role of Social Status and Controllability on Employee Intent to Follow Organizational Information Security Requirements
- Evolution of a radio telecommunication hardware-software certification paradigm in accordance with information security requirements
- Information security in implementing web applications for small businesses based on COBIT5-SI
- Institutional Drivers of Assimilation of Information Security Policies and Procedures in U.S. Firms: Test of an Empirical Model
- Evolvement of Information Security Research on Employees’ Behavior: A Systematic Review and Future Direction
- Information Security Compliance over Intelligent Transport Systems: Is IT Possible?
- Wireless information security improvement with chaotic high order modulation
- Implementation of Security Systems for Prevention of Loss of Information at Organizations of Higher Education
- Digital audio watermarking and image watermarking for information security
- Security information factor based airborne radar RF stealth
- Personal security in travel by public transport: the role of traveller information and associated technologies
- Evaluation of information leak by robustness evaluation of countermeasure to disguised CSI in PLNC considering physical layer security
- Application of biometric identification technology for network security in the network and information era, which will greatly change the life-style of people
- Improving Internet Security through Mandatory Information Disclosure
- A security scheme for geographic information databases in location based systems