Computer Networking Projects For MTECH Students
Computer networking projects For MTECH students is often used to NETWORKING / COMMUNICATION / WIRELESS SENSOR / MOBILE COMPUTING departments. Though there is a wide range in networking area.

Computer projects for mtech students
We support all type of networking projects, Networking divided into number of sub topics like wireless sensor network security, cognitive radio network, iot, lte, manet, mobile cloud computing, open flow, parallel & distibuted computing, sdn, vanet, video streaming, wban, vertical handover, device to device communication, network attacks, wimax, wifi, bluetooth, social sensor network, green networks, multicast, under water sensor network, 5g, 4g, optical network, ofdma, voip, ipv4, ipv6, visual sensor network.
Above mention all Networking based projects & thesis we support students & Research scholars like PH.D / MS / M.TECH / M.E / B.TECH. For Develop the networking projects we use following network simulation tools like NS2, NS3, OPNET, OMNET++, QUALNET, JAVA, PEER SIM, P SIM, ONE SIM.

Computer projects for mtech students
All networking major issues we provide the solution. Following parameters are most important for networking research filed like Throughput, Delay, quality of service, Distance, Mobility, life time, speed, cluster head, energy, Routing, packet drop, Band width, Power consumption, Security. Most of our research problems based on NETWORKING ATTACKS / ALGORITHM / NETWORKING ROUTING / PROTOCOLS.
- A Service Framework for Parallel Test Execution on a Developer’s Local Development Workstation
- Computer vision for green and secure cooperative augmented reality in Next Generation Converged Wireless Networks
- A Novel Approach To Classify Cloud Entities: Universal Cloud Classification (UCC)
- Advances on Security Threats and Countermeasures for Cognitive Radio Networks: A Survey
- Proposed Security Mechanism for XMPP-Based Communications of ISO/IEC/IEEE 21451 Sensor Networks
- State Based Network Isolation for Critical Infrastructure Systems Security
- Advanced security gateways for heterogeneous tactical ad hoc networks
- Cyber security assessment in PMU-based state estimation of smart electric transmission networks
- Multi-granular aggregation of network flows for security analysis
- A hybrid artificial neural network for voltage security evaluation in a power system
- Security management in Wireless Sensor Networks
- Security and Privacy of Distributed Online Social Networks
- Coalition formation game of dual-identity nodes for improving PHY security of wireless networks
- Security of ONS service for applications of the Internet of Things and their pilot implementation in academic network
- High efficient and intelligent lighting and security remote control system using a Zigbee network
- Buffer-Aided Relay Selection for Physical-Layer Security in Wireless Networks
- Entropy clustering approach for improving forecasting in DDoS attacks
- Picking Pesky Parameters: Optimizing Regular Expression Matching in Practice
- Information security considerations for protecting NASA mission operations centers (MOCs)
- Delegation-Based Roaming Payment Protocol with Location and Purchasing Privacy Protection