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MTech Computer Engineering Projects

MTech Computer Engineering Projects is a part of science and engineering study. we supported M.Tech students to achieve an aid of advanced technology in various area of computer science. We offer M.Tech computer engineering final year projects in the domain of sensor network, computer network, data analysis, pattern recognition, bio informatics and neural network.

We provide intellectual advance computer technology in various domains from ACM paper to M.Tech students. We use simulation tool such as gridsim, NS2, Peersim, NS3, OMNET++, Cloudsim, and opnet, QUALNET, matlab and RTool in computer engineering projects.

Languages used in computer engineering projects:

We described some languages used in computer engineering projects are:


Most projects are developed I java language. We adopt latest version java SE development kit (JDE) to develop & test java based computer projects.

Dot net:

We propose dot net which contain set of multiple framework and provide web services, windows form application console application and web application. We implement distributed computer network by .net framework to create sharable component by object oriented programming model. We develop security model, cloud computing, grid computing, parallel and distributed computing by .net framework.


OTCL is a latest version tool command language. It is used in NS2 based projects.

Simulation tool used in computer engineering domain:

By the following simulation tool, we developed more than 90+ projects in computer engineering domain.

The simulation tools are:

Image processing:

We adopt matlab, scilab and openCV to develop machine learning, bio medical application and image processing. To process image processing computer vision application, video surveillance system, pattern recognition and neural network projects require efficient tools.

Cloud computing:

To access multiple user with multiple device at a time, we implement computing environment called cloud computing. Our main aid is efficient resource allocation, power efficient factor in data center, virtual machine migration and cloud security are achieved in cloud computing. We implement cloud computing by Cloudsim tool.

Data mining:

Data mining is the process of extracting information based on user query. We provide big data, Hadoop for data preprocessing, statistical model, clustering, visualization, regression feature selection in data mining applications. We implement data mining application by WEKA, RTool, KNIME, orange and rapid miner tool.

Grid computing/peer to peer computing:

We adopt gridsim and Peersim tool to share resources among large scale distributed computing networks.


We implement wireless, mesh, software defined network, sensor & fiber optic network are major area in network domain. We develop following network by simulation tool such as NS3, opnet, NS2, QUALNET and OMNET++ in an efficient way.





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