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Wordnet Projects

Wordnet Projects denoted as on-line lexical reference system. We create a word net design to provide more inspiration in linguistic theories and human lexical memory. We offer word net academic projects to form lexical words such as nouns, verbs and adjectives. We provide word Net projects to online dictionaries for European languages. Our main aim of Word Net projects to find similarity among word for the given input file. We implemented word net projects in more than 90 projects with various domains such as text mining, data mining and web mining applications. Word Net can act either as dictionary (or) thesaurus but both combined features ensure lexical language structure.

WORDNET Projects

WORDNET Projects

Objective of Network:

We adopt and implement the following objectives in students projects are:

Hypothesis in Word Net:

We implement following hypothesis in word net M.E projects are:




The main structure of access word net database, we use dictionary. Dictionary functions are installed in database which automatically select path. It composed of various package functions which stored in internal part of word net.

Relations in Word Net:

We adopt and implement various relations in Word net from Science Direct Reference paper are:

Advantages of Word Net:

We use the advantages of word net are



Learning Methods In Word Net:

Word Net is a large domain. To learn word Net we use various methods there are:

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