M TECH Projects In Computer Science
M.tech projects in computer science have huge variety of divisions. More than 66+ computer science project domains available. Every domain have some specific properties. All of them have some individual functionalities.
M.tech projects in computer science has various types and guidance is shed to all types we clearly discuss about some types of M TECH PROJECTS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE this page.

M Tech projects in computer science
DATA MINING, NETWORKING, CLOUD COMPUTING, WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK, WEB SERVICES, IMAGE PROCESSING are some major M.tech projects in computer science area. In every domain have some divisions here we describe the divisions of some major domains for computer science.
Networking projects full support is given to all its types though it has huge division we speak about some of its types NETWORK SECURITY, MOBILE COMPUTING, COGNITIVE RADIO NETWORKS, IOT, LTE, MANET, OPNE FLOW, SDN, Vanet, Video streaming, WBAN, Vertical handover, Device to device communication, Network attacks, wifi,blue tooth, wimax, social sensor networks, under water sensor networks, multicast, 5g, 4g, ipv4, ipv6.

M.Tech projects in computer science
cloud computing:
load balancing, VM migration, scheduling
Image processing56-2
- Finger Print
- Finger vein
- Selera
- Object Detection
- Audio Processing
- Video Processing
- Iris
- Kidney Stone
- Movement Disorder
- Skull Image
- Geo Space
- Face Recognition
- Cancer Image
- Tumor Image
- Liver Image
- Retina Image
- Lung Image
- Brain Image
- Power Electronics
- Crypto system
- speech recognition
- wireless communication
- pattern recognition
- remote sensing
- Power Electronics
Above mention all sub divisions & domains we provide the support.
- Optimized service level agreement based workload balancing strategy for cloud environment
- Cloud customers??? historical record based on-demand resource reservation
- Modeling Demand Response Capability by Internet Data Centers Processing Batch Computing Jobs
- Adaptive Framework for Load Balancing to Improve the Performance of Cloud Environment
- A Decision-Making Tool for Datacenter Migration
- A New Hybrid Virtual Machine Scheduling Scheme for Public Cloud
- A Scheduling Strategy Based on Redundancy of Service Requests on IaaS Providers
- Workload Estimation for Improving Resource Management Decisions in the Cloud
- A Novel Approach To Classify Cloud Entities: Universal Cloud Classification (UCC)
- Encrypted Association Rule Mining for Outsourced Data Mining
- Panda: Public Auditing for Shared Data with Efficient User Revocation in the Cloud
- P-phase picker using virtual cloud-based Wireless Sensor Networks
- Privacy Preserving Data Processing
- Hadoop Performance Modeling for Job Estimation and Resource Provisioning
- Enabling Efficient Multi-Keyword Ranked Search Over Encrypted Mobile Cloud Data Through Blind Storage
- Deployment of secure sharing: Authenticity and authorization using cryptography in cloud environment
- T-Broker: A Trust-Aware Service Brokering Scheme for Multiple Cloud Collaborative Services
- A Secure Anti-Collusion Data Sharing Scheme for Dynamic Groups in the Cloud
- Context Awareness as a Service for Cloud Resource Optimization
- Digital forensics in social networks and the cloud: Process, approaches, methods, tools, and challenges
- Energy-Efficient Fault-Tolerant Data Storage and Processing in Mobile Cloud
- Splitting Large Medical Data Sets based on Normal Distribution in Cloud Environment
- GW elasticity in data centers: Options to adapt to changing traffic profiles in control and user plane
- Smart community health awareness model
- Towards Privacy Preserving Publishing of Set-valued Data on Hybrid Cloud