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Electrowetting Displays Utilizing Bistable, Multi-Color Pixels Via Laser Processing

Electrowetting Displays Utilizing Bistable, Multi-Color Pixels Via Laser Processing Electronic paper, or e-Paper, for use in displays has seen rapid growth in the past decade because of its potential as an alternative to traditional transmissive displays. Offering several critical advantages over current display technologies, including high contrast in direct sunlight, wide viewing angles, and compatibility with flexible substrate processing, electrowetting displays (EWDs) have made it to the forefront of e-Paper research and development efforts. Here, we describe a new design for the fabrication of multi-color, bistable electrowetting displays. Using a laser-based process to pattern an in-plane electrode design, liquid can be manipulated out-of-plane. This process relies on electromechanical pressure forcing water in and out of channels, causing colored oil to be displaced. When voltage is removed, the oil remains in its current position, resulting in bistability. We have demonstrated multi-color, bistable pixels that maintain their state at V = 0 for several days, which drastically reduces the power required to drive the display.

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