Optimization of Overdrive Signoff in High-Performance and Low-Power ICs In modern system-on-chip implementations, multimode design is commonly used to achieve better circuit performance and power across voltage-scaled, “turbo” and other operating modes. To the best of our knowledge, there is no available systematic analysis or methodology for the selection of associated signoff modes for multimode circuit implementations. In this brief, we observe significant impacts of signoff mode selection on circuit area, power, and performance. For example, incorrect choice of signoff voltages for required overdrive frequencies can incur 12% suboptimality in power or 20% in area. Using the concept of mode dominance as a guideline, we propose a scalable, model-based adaptive search methodology to explore the design space for signoff mode selection. Our proposed methodology is duty cycle-aware in its minimization of lifetime energy. Results show that our proposed methodology provides >8% improvement in performance, for given Vdd, area and power constraints, compared with the traditional “signoff and scale” method. Further, the signoff modes determined by our methods result in <;6% overhead in power compared with the optimal signoff modes.